Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Snakes and Ladders


Yes it's true, camp was so so awesome! and although i spent like 50% of the time behind the keyboard, i was truly blessed and refreshed by His spirit. And it also marked my 1st year anniversary for me in OCF, so...... HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO ME!! heheheheh

this one year really went by pretty quickly. I could still remember how we met in front of Robert Blackwood hall for last year's winter camp, and not knowing anyone else i tried my best to stick with Li, but she was busy with her camp stuff. And how Nikko drove me home from camp and how this year when Pegs drove me home i remembered what happened the year before, and it was a special feeling to me (yes Pegs i'll remember you sending me home too next yr :D ). One year in the family; i had many many great moments, met many many great people that made life so much easier. These guys are truly family to me, and i'll never stop believing in them!

Anwy back to camp. The place was really really cool i felt. Many many things to be done, but too bad we had very little time. i tried the flying fox, and had sort of a rought landing (:P). Tried archery and found out i sucked at it (and that June can be dangerous with a bow and arrow hehe) . But above all, i think the best thing to happen at camp was the worship and praise and the presences of God. I was really touched by His presence. I'm amazed that He never fails to show up whenever you call on His name. That's juz sooo awesome!

This is my italian connection in camp...

TORRIDO! ('Hot' in italian)

This was my cell group. We really had fun talking and just making ourselves laugh silly. And the skit was a fun thing too :P. Hope to see u guys more often in OCF from now on hehehe.

Got to go get some chores done. To be honest, bloggin has made me feel much better. i guess thinking about good things and good people (ahem) makes u fee that life's not about the problems we have to deal with, but about the other people and the fun you have with them. :D

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Looking Forward....

It's the night before my final exam. i'm up to my ears with arrays and malloc's that im starting to flip! C ain't something you can study overnight, like any language it requires time...but time is something i don't have!

Anyway just thought i would pause awhile and reflect on the events of late. I have to say my heart has been vulnerable, in a sense that i easily let stuff in and caused it to hurt the past 3 weeks. Of course, there was the Godly, passionate ache of my heart for the people around me and those who are lost and yet to be found. And the need to satisfy that hunger had grown immensely, as God began to reveal stuff to me through His word, i'm beginning to hear Him clearer day by day. Can't wait to get done with exams and focus on Him and His voice again....

On the other hand, my heart has been aching for other things as well. I'm glad to say that in some areas i've shown tremendous improvement, being able to overcome somthing i thought i wud always live with. My hearts focuz and desires have changed, thus my habits and attitude towards life and the things of God change. But there's some people holding me back, there's some relationships that bring more grief than encouragement. I'm learning to let go; not to end relationships or to live a loner, but to stop worrying so much about others. I do my best to help and be a friend, but if it keeps getting me down, i'd rather leave it.

It's better that i lose a friendship and closeness i have with someone than to lose the vision and plan God has casted into my life. And i do pray that my friendships will always be encouraging and that i'll be a blessing in return. i really do. but some won't, i know that. i realize that it's what ur aiming for that matters. to make many many friends? or to live according to His plans? Eagles fly alone...

Time to look forward.
Time to see...

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


I've decided to remove the 'tag question and answer' thing from my blog. Just felt that it wasn't appropriate thats all... besides i got like really hard questions so.... :D

Last exam on Thursday. Can't wait for it to be over and so i can start listening and doing stuff for Him. But even throughout the whole exam period, He's just been so awesome!

3 more days to go....

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Busy Busy Busy


This week has been INTENSE. This whole week, i've spent almost half of my day in the library...studying! And the amount of stuff i had to do this week has been nuts! one assignment, one report, a lab test, tonnes of revision, all in the last week of the semester. Crazy....

I guess it's pretty pointless blogging about stuff when all thats in your head are bode plots and saturation currents in the cut-off region of MOSFETS.....it's driving me nuts. on friday i really scared myself silly, at the moment the reality of how much i had to study in a few days hit me. but i thank God for friends who were there to support me....

One of my biggest support (partially coz she stayed with me in the library for most of the week :D) this week is .....
... the bubbly Mitze Lau!

Thanks dear for accompanying me through the week and really encouraging me when i was scared (no scared anymore tho hehe). Everytime i see you smile or laugh, i really thank God for what He's done in your life, and how He's sustained you through the darkest moments. Always remember that people will come and go, I may come and go (altho i dont intend to juz yet....), but God never leaves us nor forsakes us. Keep holding on to Him altho sometimes things looks bleak and He's doesnt seem real. Always know too i'm always there for you, and i'm looking forward to you coming along to Winter Camp! hehehehe....Carez!!

Yes people i'm stressed...but my God's got everything under control...:)