Thursday, August 16, 2007

In the valley

Man this is tough...

Nothing i've ever experienced before. You think sometimes you're strong enough, that you are capable of doing things that by far seem easy peasy to you. But what happens when you find out

"you're not"

strong enough and that

"you're not"

capable of doing everything on your plate. So what DO you do?

"Start pushing things off the plate..."

I'm no quitter. i hate it when people say "Oh she quit OCF" or "He quit serving in church". i think the only time that is true is when you drop something without consulting God first. Yes, God gives you the strength, but he also gives u a desire and passion

So what does it mean when you lose a passion for something?

"Maybe God wants you to focus elsewhere"

Sadly it took me so long to finally realize that maybe i AM weak, and that i AM incapable, but i'm sure as ever that HE is strong, and that HE is capable!


Maybe once i get that out of the way, like how i neede to get her out of the way, then maybe i'll start dreaming again. It's been awhile since i had dreams...

OR maybe someone else has a dream. i dunno, God uses people to speak to people sometimes.
Can all the dreamers please tell me your dreams, it would really be encouraging :)

Ok i won't ramble on anymore... I need to give Him space to speak, that i may decrease and He increase. Fasting MSN has really helped that :) I just pray that my mountain peak comes soon, and that it comes eventually i am definitely sure...



At Saturday, August 18, 2007 3:35:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jon!:) When you start to feel like giving, start to sing. Sing about God's goodness, His greatness. When we are weak, then He can show Himself to be strong.

He is my strong tower:)

I dream that I will find a cure for HIV one day, because it breaks God's heart to see His children suffer:) How about you?

haha see if you can guess who i am, maybe i'll tell you when you start entertaining me again;) God bless!:)

At Saturday, August 18, 2007 3:37:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

oops typo: start to feel like giving up*

and it's actually cure for AIDs, because you cant cure a virus!

At Sunday, August 19, 2007 12:32:00 AM , Blogger -jonboy- said...

hey anonymous! to be honest i have no clue who you are, besides the fact that you are very encouraging :) thanks so much.

btw, i won't stop singing , coz He's given me EVERY reason to...

At Monday, August 20, 2007 9:17:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Jon.. thanx for sharing that, it must have taken lotsa guts to be so transparent.

what i've learnt from valleys is this.. when i turn to my left and right, i see no one. i'm alone. with God. but when i look behind me, i see a bunch of people holding me up and supporting me. i sincerely hope that is the case with you too! =)

my dream - is to build a home for homeless children. children victims of divorce, family breakdowns or abuse. a home where their heart meet with God's.

*virtual hugs* see ya soon! =)


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