Sunday, September 16, 2007

My day today

I had a good day. I wonder why i've stopped 'enjoying' my Saturdays anymore, but today was a change for the better :)

We played tennis in the's been 7-8 months, and it felt good. We comprises of Andrew, Ivie, Richard, Charlene, Bryan and myself. We started at 8 am, and although some of em found it hard to get themselves out of bed in the morning, we all still got there eventually. Playing again was really good, although i have a feeling i was a bit enthusiastic at hitting the balls, that i was a bit TOO aggressive. sorry if i cam across that way, honestly i loved having someone to play with.

Andrew, please start practicing the 'throws'. Remember it's straight up, not in front or behind. hehe :P but ur doing good. Ivie, KLANG BOLEH! hehe. Char, you've got a scary serve girl. The time when i really started to get a real workout was when we played that singles game. Keep it up! Richard i didn't know u were injured! i feel bad for making u run around LOL. And Bryan, we won 2 matches as doubles partners right? Rock on!

Then we decided to crash Peggen's UL BBQ (i still felt like i was crashing although Li invited me, and my UL WAS supposed to go anwy). Had a lot of fun BBQing and talking to so many people. Glad that the Caulfield contingent came down as well =). Special shoutout to Pris, Si Yan, Aaron and Hau Wei.

Then i went home and slept. But that's after my daily dose of RPK's blog. I sometimes feel guilty reading the posts, because its very political, but i'm really interested in the state and condition of the nation at this point, and my goodness, its amazing what you learn when u actually want to find stuff out.

Woke up at 6, Daniel came over for dinner. Watched the Hawks take on the the Kangaroos. Not an extremely good game, but it was ok. glad i had someone to have dinner with and just chill :)

And just want to say a heartfelt thanks to MissE** for being super duper honest with me about stuff. Honestly, now i see where i need to improve myself, and i think i need to find more friends who are not afraid to tell it to my face. i'm a better person (or on the way to becoming one) because of you, so thanks :)