Monday, August 27, 2007

Not as they seem

Some things are not as they seem...

I must admit that i love reading people - as in, even before someone comes up to me to say Hi, i can tell what kind of conversation is going to ensue. No, it's not preconceived ideas about someone, rather it's to prepare me for the conversation that will happen.

But i do get it wrong sometimes. Things that u thought u liked about someone suddenly disappears once you get to know em better. It's like, that perfect someone has flaws, seemingly. Not to say that we should look for perfect people, and discard those who are not to your expectations, but to some degree, it's a bit of a letdown, coz when u finally thought you discovered someone you think is WAY up there, you realize they are human in any case...

But aren't we all? That's what makes me me in a sense, our downfalls. But i realized that there are some CORE things that need to be high standard, and everything else is just trivial in comparison. Some things that i feel is a must are:

a) a heart of worship
b) Godly discipline
c) great sense of communication
d) honesty

among other things. The thing is, it doesn't matter if the tiny flaws ruin the so-called "perfect" picture, as long as they have thier fundamentals right, those are the type of people i want to be around, to love, to cherish and to do life with.

Ok enough babbling... I really want to blog about my encounter with Brookie, but im gonna wait for the pics and vids to come first :D

I *heart* Brooke! She's so awesome hehe

Oh and a shout out to my amazing cell leaders and committee in OCF. I know this month has been a trying and difficult period for all of you, but im glad you guys are pulling through and really supporting the vision WE have for this ministry. Thanks so much guys and girls!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Take a minute

Now, you've NEVER seen me post many pictures on my blog, let alone a video.

But when i saw this, i actually cried. It really reminded me of how things have been the last couple of weeks. Jesus is just amazing :)

So just take a moment, and watch it, you won't regret i promise. Watch out for 3:45, it just hit me so hard, that He want's us back so badly :)

Oh and btw, the song is Everything, by Lifehouse.

Monday, August 20, 2007


Feeling much better!!

I can see my mountaintop again. I can see how my God is going to save the day. I've finally cleared the fog and crap that's been in the way, and i think it's really apt timing.

I knew it was coming, just a matter of when and how i was to get here. To be honest, i've got this 10% assignment i don't have a clue how to finish at the moment, but i know God will make a way somehow, of that i'm certain.

Here's a couple of shoutours (to people whom i THINK still read my blog:

Miss Evo: im suffering from MSN withdrawal symptoms :( includes total boredom and random words to myself. even my fingers just feel like typing something,,, ish, But 7th Sept ain't long to go :) hope things are ok in the land of MSN. thanks for still being there to listen hehe altho my probs seem to go around in circles :P. oh btw, ur AWESOME in God's sight, and it's GREAT that you're a CHAMPION hehehehe :P

Mr. President: Congrats, you've finally became the boss haha. Looking forward to what ur about to do :)

Mum and Dad: Can't wait to get home. Miss the food :P

Random OCF people: somehow i'm not sure who would still read this, but drop me a comment if you did. And guys, can't wait for laser tag mmmhmmmmmm :)

Miss 'I don't wash plates without gloves': You KNOW i'm never letting this go :P just kidding k? you'll have tonnes of opportunities in the future to prove me wrong hehe

Oh btw, this Sat i'm going to a Brooke Fraser concert!! yay!! thanks so much to Miss T, and of course Justin's kindness, i'm all set to see her LIVE. Life's getting good :)

Thursday, August 16, 2007

In the valley

Man this is tough...

Nothing i've ever experienced before. You think sometimes you're strong enough, that you are capable of doing things that by far seem easy peasy to you. But what happens when you find out

"you're not"

strong enough and that

"you're not"

capable of doing everything on your plate. So what DO you do?

"Start pushing things off the plate..."

I'm no quitter. i hate it when people say "Oh she quit OCF" or "He quit serving in church". i think the only time that is true is when you drop something without consulting God first. Yes, God gives you the strength, but he also gives u a desire and passion

So what does it mean when you lose a passion for something?

"Maybe God wants you to focus elsewhere"

Sadly it took me so long to finally realize that maybe i AM weak, and that i AM incapable, but i'm sure as ever that HE is strong, and that HE is capable!


Maybe once i get that out of the way, like how i neede to get her out of the way, then maybe i'll start dreaming again. It's been awhile since i had dreams...

OR maybe someone else has a dream. i dunno, God uses people to speak to people sometimes.
Can all the dreamers please tell me your dreams, it would really be encouraging :)

Ok i won't ramble on anymore... I need to give Him space to speak, that i may decrease and He increase. Fasting MSN has really helped that :) I just pray that my mountain peak comes soon, and that it comes eventually i am definitely sure...


Sunday, August 12, 2007

It's been awhile...

2 things have compelled me to squeeze in another post

1. A Gift
You never know how much encouragmement helps someone. i'm not gonna lie- i was going through a rough patch the last month or so. And it came to a point where i felt that whatever i did, it wasn't working or in other owrds it was ineffective. Met up with MY on Tuesday coz she wanted to share about mentorship in OCF. that itself was a blessing, that someone wud want to share something out of thier heart. well we were talking, and i somehow mentioned that i lost 2 bibles, and i was using my back-backup bible hehe. And guess what, she being the angel she is got me a new one!! complete with encouragment msg and bible verse in the front. i was really touched by the gift, but what i was really thouched by was the encouragement and love that was in it :) Thanks so much you...

2. Information
Sometimes u wish u didnt receive certain information. but then again, it's actually better that you DO know. thanks for telling me, friend- i know i seem hurt, but im honestly grateful that you cared enough to tell me. that's what makes true friends :)

Jesus im holding on yo You, i pray you give me wisdom on the right things to say, and the right people to speak to, and the right actions at all times. Return to me the joy of my salvation, and renew a right spirit within me...
