OK fine... my last post was a disaster....the 7 things turned out to be just 2. i didn't have time for the other 2! the rest of the week was spent preparing for orientation and retreat! i did celebrate it a week later with some close friends which was good!
Busy-ness has taken over me, Work has really distracted me the last 2 weeks. We had orientation, leaders retreat, committee meetings, this and that and this and that i'm almost going nuts. But even so, it has been a VERY eventful week or 2 for me. And i wouldn't trade serving in His Kingdom for the world :)
on Thursday night i got a chance to take a break. someone i didn't expect invited me to his birthday party sorta thingy. and it was in KOKO black! for those who don't know, it's this really good CHOCOlate place down at lygon. and u KNOW MY EYES LIT UP like a Christmas tree when i got invited hahaha :D oh btw... HAPPY 21ST WAI HONG!!
But the thing that really got to me was how he chose who came. he was telling me that he listed ALL of his friends and rated them from 1 to 5. he said he only invited 4 and 5s. like WOW! i really felt honoured to be there!! not because i think im great being rated a 4 or 5, but its coz someone was impacted by my friendship. that's my goal for this year - to impact people to a point that thier life is changed and a difference is made - so much so that they wud invite me to thier birthday parties!!! (juz kidding :P)
I didn't really take pics, but i'll post the TWO that i have... sheesh i should start taking pics more hehe. Mich said she would pass me more when she finished editing. the problem was, the room was quite dark, and i sat in the darkest corner and had a cap on...:S. anwys, here's what a hot chocolate at KB looks like...
besides sipping hot choc at KB, other things have been happening as well. i'm excited to see what God has in store for me. only he knows my hearts desires and the times i've cried out for them. i know logically some things are impossible, but my God is a 'nothing is impossible' God :)
just waiting, like i always do, for the right moment ... but i feel it coming, somehow, sometime soon...