Saturday, August 19, 2006

I broke it!!!


This must be my punishment for bragging about my key-holder-thingy....

IT BROKEE!!!! I had just put my jacket down on the chair at the OCF Combined meet at Melb uni when.... the lanyard got caught on the chair handle! and i think i didn't realize but i yanked it and it broke. and it all happened in front of Li! hahaha heart break man....somemore she said it came ALL the way from Msia somemore....ayo feel bad leh eheh

But for now...
It's in a KNOT! haha i know it's like super el-cheapo looking now but i'll get it fixed soon....

A sad sad bear :(

But on to more important matters...

As i was saying, we went for the Combined OCF Prayer Meet at Melb Uni. And besides the obvious joy of meeting Easter Camp buddies again, i was really anticipating a powerful time of prayer and worship. And thru out the whole meeting, i felt God burning something in my spirit, and it was slowly stirring itself. Then when the time of prayer came, i felt it boiling over, and i knew i really needed to go speak it out. PLus the silence in the place was killing me.

Then i got it...God reminded me about the church in the early part of Acts...when they were waiting for the Holy Spirit, and God just said "Go tell them that the church wasn't silent when the HS finally came...they went nuts!". Suddenly someone tapped my shoulder, and i turned and Ee Lin whispered in my ear "I think u need to go spice things up"... haha i knew i couldn't run dy...

Anwy i stepped out of my row and stood on the steps. I was just going through exactly what God wanted me to say, and i was recollecting what exactly happened when the church got the HS, and how they proclaimed it on the streets. Then Ee Lin came and whispered to me " i feel you need to share about when the church got the HS..."


i STARED at her ! i went like "NO WAY! thats what i got too". Then she just smiled....and you know the joy that came at that moment was incredible. i just couldn't sit was a WOW moment for me

SO i moved to the front and prepared to pray (after quite a long wait actually, there were many people sharing stuff too ). And i did what i had to do. After that i just felt a lot of release, and like the burden just turned into peace... it was a draining experiance i must admit (how preachers deal with the amazing burden when they preach every week i dont know), but i guess it pays eventually when u listen to the HS :D

The devil has been wroking hard to put me down this week. He's using people, circumstances, situations to really try and make me drag my feet and get mixed up in stuff i shouldn't have to worry about. Man i really need to discern whats crap and whats like the real stuff....

Just wanna say thanks to Ee Lin for being the confirming voice and an awesome leader to me! Looking forward to camp sis, it's gonna rock! :D


At Saturday, August 19, 2006 7:34:00 PM , Blogger mizzvickz said...

ur a closet camwhore. posing with that sad looking face. it shows. tee hee.

At Sunday, August 20, 2006 12:49:00 AM , Blogger p_ewe said...

keep it up jon! keep listening.. and keep speaking it out..! sorry havent been there for u these days.. =(

At Sunday, August 20, 2006 9:58:00 PM , Blogger -jonboy- said...

hey don't say that. you don't realize how much of a blessing you are to me.just that i'm not good at showing it :) si i'm mean instead hahahahahah

At Monday, August 21, 2006 3:35:00 PM , Blogger Hau Wei said...

you go bro! heh. that place really needed some spicing up! i fell asleep praying there and i mean it! not condemning or anything but we just need to shout it out what the Spirit's been stirring in us all!


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