Thursday, July 20, 2006

Fruits of your sacrifice

I was just talking to an old friend, Wei Jin the other day and i thought i'd blog about the memories. i remember when i used to not have enough money to buy food during canteen breaks, and i would go sit under the second tree, counting from the classrooms, at the main assembly ground at ACS Klang, and how this 'cili padi' boy would sit with me and we would just talk, and play with the sand near our feet, and just being friends. i remember being there when we committed to serve in CU and he was afraid cause he was a bit shy (yeah right!) and was like malu malu at first. and how Mrs Koh wud be after our heads for every single small thing that he did wrong in the letter he wrote or whatever; being the secretary was a hard job isn't it ? :). i remember the times we fought about stuff and couldn't agree, but always made it up to each other eventually.

i remember how your sacrifice of yourself, although sometimes you didn't feel like it, but you did it anwy, brought light into our school. i remember the group of students who wouldn't listen to what the world SAID we should do, but rather did what our Saviour NEEDed us to do in the school. we changed cultures, atmospheres and customs. We just became what God meant us to be, in whatever shape and form, and in whatever capacity we could, and now we see the fruits of our sacrifice. How ACS Christian Union is going strong with good attendance, and will continue burning strong in that school. You guys rock man!! Every single one of you :)

And Jin i miss our friendship, and the secrets we used to share (and those i didn't really keep very well :D) and the times we wud play football and come lepak at ur house. seems a long time ago, and we've moved on from then.... but you and the rest of the guys still hold a very special place in my heart...and i just want to say


for making me who i am today . Love you guys! :D


At Sunday, August 13, 2006 11:09:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like it! Good job. Go on.

At Friday, August 18, 2006 2:30:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.


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